Rook Gaming


New user
Note: We are reopening our server after a year of inactivity. We closed it due to Crackshot bugs in the 1.9 patch.

We are currently looking for ambitious builders and plugin managers who can edit/add plugins and are familiar with Crackshot to edit and create new guns.

Hey guys!

So we finally officially opened our server for all players.
We got some final touches to the server done.
Many other features are still a WIP but shall be completed in the next few days.
We got some pretty pictures to show our amazing server + a special sneak peak of an upcoming arena.
But we still need more active players on the server, forums and Discord

My Skype is Trigg3r2

Some Pictures:

We are going to have more updates to the server coming every little while. We are going to also complete our subscriptions and some of our simple little features.​

We are still looking to see more familiar faces on, because if you stay active on the forums and server, you have a way higher chance of becoming a staff member!​

Here's a more detailed list of how you have a chance of becoming staff:
  • Submit an application on the forums here. (That is required)
  • Be on the server more often and stay active on it. (Come join us, don't be a stranger)
  • Stay active on the forums. (Stay up to date on server news)
  • Join our discord. (Talk to our current staff, get to know us)
  • Talk about us, bring your friends (That's the best way to get a super high chance to get mod or admin)
  • PVP in the arenas. (Don't just sit in spawn.)
  • Build and survive in the wild. (Go explore)
  • Prove us that you are a worthy player and possible staff member. (Impress us)

Here are the requirements to get mod, helper or admin:
  1. Have a minimum of 50 Hours on the server.
  2. Be Mature.
  3. Don't abuse your powers.
  4. Don't use any profane language.
  5. Must be on discord.
  6. Be Responsible.
  7. One post a week on the forums (NO SPAM)

That's all for the first update, stick around for more. BRING YOUR FRIENDS!
Also here's a poll for you guys!​

Hi there,

First Name: *Your Name*

In Game Name: *Your IGN*

Age: *Your Age*

Previous Moderator Experience: Did work as a mod and admin on some servers. Most were small time servers, some like GoldenCraft was on for a while until the guy decided to quit (was a admin). Did some small time jobs for some servers mostly with advertising (websites like Minecraft Forums, and had some experience with co-owning. Used to also be a head-admin on RipingPowerHUF (closed - due to financial problems). But mod is something I did a lot. Might not seem like much.

Let us know how you can help out the server: What is there to say, much of the helping can be done on the server and off of it. On-server, can be helping new players out or making sure all is being played by the rules. Off-server, I really love to be on forums or on other websites, advertising or simply being on the forums and helping people on the forums by answering questions or setting up threads, or notifying people of upcoming updates or just simply being a helping had on the forums.

Any other comments: I have been part of the Minecraft for almost 5 years now. Have a love for forums and 4chan. Love to help out people. Also I'm Canadian. How about some COLOUR.

:-d :thumb:

*Your IGN Abbreviation*


THE QUESTION IS: What would you like us to add in the next few updates to the server?
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[AH] Discord Widget
