Anyone want a levels plugin?


Forum Moderator
I have a custom levels plugin that I use on my server it allows players to level up and each time they do the plugin runs server commands as if run within the console as well as a leader board.

if anyone is interested in having the plugin, please reply below.

*NOTE* this maybe against the rules but there not very clear since the secific forum rules are from the and are not edited fully for this site yet


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Nah. The way you have it setup using commands makes it inefficient.
You should hook it to a database.


Forum Moderator
using commands allows you give give a player permissions to new area's, give them kits, warp them somewhere and run any command you want. there is a config too with it. my current config changes the players nametag suffix and chat suffix along with some kits that it auto gives them. it also means they can't spam the kits cause they may not have the perms to get it otherwise


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I know, but when you use commands it puts too much load on the server. If you hooked it to a database then it'd save server resources.
If you know mySQL and php it's extremely easy to do everything you said plus more.
Hell even javascript could do something like:
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I've had no trouble with the server load. I don't see the huge problem with it running server commands, I've had 9 people on all running the /level up command constantly and had no issues with it what so ever


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The problem is your server isn't big yet.
My old server had around... 80-100 members at any given time.


Forum Moderator
the plugin only uses a database of keeping track of where players are, as for players I know the stress since i had a high of 20 and have seen how much it takes. the plugin wasn't the cause of the crash the RAM ran out because of the bigger world sizes made that day. Ideally I'd have each game mode be a different server to reduce that issue [thats a bit off topic though]


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Have you tried running it with other taxing plugins? I also know that I ran a good.. 50-60 mods on my server. Would it run with that?
If it works, then I'll surely try it out.

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