I'm at a complete loss please help


New user

I'm pretty savvy when it comes to IT but for some reason or not Minecraft is doing my head in and this is why I've given in on temptation thus writing on here for help so please please please help!

My son loves Minecraft and goes on about Maps and Mods. I've downloaded maps for him and he's happy with that however when it comes down to MODS that's a different matter.

The version of Minecraft he's running is 1.8.8 and Forge 1.8.8-

I'm finding it increasingly difficult to find mods for 1.8.8 and in the past have downloaded mods for 1.8.9 which do not work however if I go into the forge profile and click on release 1.8.9 and open up Minecraft the mods box is not there. Why what have I done wrong?

I've also downloaded mods for 1.8 which some do work and some don't. Is it a simple hit and miss to if they work or not?

I expect that I'm doing something really silly.

Is there an idiots guide out there to show me what I should be doing?

Hope you can help


Joshua Jones

New user
The easiest fix to this is to download the specified version of Forge. For example, if a mod requires Minecraft 1.8.9, go to https://files.minecraftforge.net/ and select 1.8. You'll then be given more options for 1.8, 1.8.8, and 1.8.9. Just select 1.8.9 and the page will reload, giving you download options for 1.8.9. There should be two boxes under the version select: Download and Download Recommended. If you're running Windows, then chose installer-win. (Recommended is what I usually download.) Just install the software and a new version of Forge will be installed specifically for 1.8.9. Before using mods, make sure that you've run vanilla 1.8.9. After running the new Forge you've just installed along with the vanilla version, click the home button (Windows button depending on how you look at it) and type %appdata% You should see a folder called Roaming. Open it and open the .minecraft folder. In that folder you should see a folder named mods. If you don't, you can create one. Make sure it is all lowercase and spelled correctly. After you open the mods folder, copy and paste your mod's .jar file and close the window. Run the Minecraft Forge you've just installed and voilà, you can play Minecraft with the mod you just installed. I apologize if I sound confusing at any point.

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